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Satoru Iwata's passing 1 year later

It's been exactly one year since Satoru Iwata passed away last July. His death came as a surprise to all of us,not only Nintendo fans but both the video games and business industry as well.

Satoru Iwata brought something to Nintendo and what no other company has done before. He became like a friend or a family member. He cared for Nintendo's customers, He didn't see them as more people to sell products to.Satoru deeply cared for us, he would give personal and public apologies if a game didn't sell well or if they[Nintendo] didn't meet it's financial goal he took responsibility.

As I said before he really did care for us. He gave us constant updates with Nintendo Directs and he brought so much energy to those! I was always happy to see his face and his ever famous "Hello! My name is Satoru Iwata" at the start of every Nintendo Direct and who can forget his "DIRECTLY!" hand gesture!? Saturo Iwata WAS Nintendo to many of us and I guess that's why his death left a hole in many even to this day.

Satoru Iwata brought such joy to many people whether it was classic players with Ballon flight or new gamers with the Wii! Satoru Iwata ushered in a golden age for gaming! Heck he helped compress the entire Kanto map of Pokemon Red/Blue into Pokemon Silver/Gold! He also helped Nintendo finish Smash Bros Melee in 13 months!

Of course what I'll miss most of Satoru Iwata is his deep passion for understanding the DNA of Nintendo and it's fanbase. He loved Nintendo liked no else did.

Satoru Iwata was truly genuine friendly and lovable person and he will forever be missed

May Satoru Iwata rest in peace and his legacy to live on forever in our hearts

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