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Rumor: Pokemon Sun & Moon Starters final stage leaked?

Everybody wants to know what the starters will look like past their first stage and thanks to a potential leak we might have our first look! Around two months ago certain concept art leaked claiming that it was the final stages for the starters:

Rowlet eveoles into an archer,litten evolves into a "wrestler" and popplio evolves into a Siren.

Now of course this concept art can be fake and drawn by anyone but one certain figure or should I say person sticks out the most.

Mallow is a new trial captain that was revealed today and has a passion for cooking as seen by her ladle and kettle on Litten(finals stage). The flower on her hair is the correct position and even the hairstyle is the same. Now remember this art was from two months ago & has probably changed since then and the designs for the final stages of the starters probably won't make it int the final game but we'll just have to wait and find out!

So what do you guys think on this potential leak? Do you think it's the real deal? Do you like the designs?

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