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Rumor: NX to have a new Mario & Pokemon within 6 months of launch

MCV is reporting that Nintendo is hard at work making multiple Triple A titles for the NX to make sure it's a success while also making sure it doesn't have a drought of titles like the 3DS & Wii U did before it. Rumored titles to appear in the NX first 6 months are a New Mario Game, Zelda Breath of the Wild and Pokemon. It's unclear if GameFreak will make a new Pokemon game or make an NX version of Sun & Moon(Pokemon Eclipse version anyone?) seeing how they just introduced a new generation of Pokemon it'll most likely be a port.

Nintendo is also hard at work making sure that they have 3rd party support for the Nintendo NX with Sega, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision and Warner Bros already on-board. the only games from 3rd parties so far are Sega's un-named Sonic 2017 title and Ubisoft's Just Dance 2017.

MCV also reports that the rumors that Eurogamer has revealed of the NX being a handheld with TV capabilities is 100% accurate.They also report that the NX's graphical power is somewhere between a PS3 & PS4 claiming Nintendo isn't after the core audience of Xbox & PlayStation but rather they are after the mobile audience with of one their sources claiming:

“It’s a nice bit of kit, a bit of a novelty, but a good one,” said one exec that has got hands on with the machine. “It won’t appeal to PS4 fans. Nintendo seems set on trying to upgrade smartphone gamers. That’s going to be a big job for the marketing department.”

So what do you guys think? Does this potential line up excite you? Also remember that these are just rumors at the moment and nothing has been confirmed.

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