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Pokemon Sun & Moon details on new Pokemon

Alolan Raticate:

Because urban areas are their main habitat, their diet is higher in calories than ordinary Raticate. As a result, they have become hefty. Alolan Raticate prefers to eat only fresh fruits and high-class ingredients. There are rumors that a certain top-notch restaurant takes advantage of Alolan Raticate’s taste buds by bringing it along when choosing ingredients to buy, and having it taste test new dishes. Alolan Raticate continually stockpile huge amounts of food in their nests. They mostly prefer to send out Alolan Rattata to gather food while they themselves stay home in their nests and just eat. Alolan Raticate is the Totem Pokémon of the trial that takes place in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island in Pokémon Moon.* It summons Rattata to help it confront those who take on the trial. *Gumshoos appears as the Totem Pokémon in Verdant Cavern in Pokémon Sun.


Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior, although it remains humble about its capabilities. In its pursuit to become stronger, it never neglects its training. Because Jangmo-o uses the scales on its head for both offense and defense, it never turns its back to its enemies. Many Trainers see this behavior and take it as proof that Jangmo-o is a valiant Pokémon. Jangmo-o gather in harsh locales like canyons, where no other people or Pokémon are around, to live together as they train.


This Pokémon wearing a mask has been dubbed “Null,” meaning nothing. The shapes of its front and hind legs are clearly different. The reason is that Type: Null was constructed to synthesize the strengths of various Pokémon, enabling it to adapt to any situation. The mask fitted to Type: Null’s head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers. It’s extremely heavy, so it also serves to hinder Type: Null’s agility. To complete a certain mission, there was need of a Pokémon powerful enough to rival those Pokémon often spoken of in mythology.

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