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Rumor: Super Mario & Rabbids crossover coming from Ubisoft

Laura Kate dale of LetsPlayVideoGames is back with another rumor for the Nintendo Switch! According to her Ubisoft and Nintendo are working on a title together. What title? Well it may sound crazy but it's a Super Mario game featuring Ubisoft's m̶i̶n̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ rabbids.

It's currently titled Mario RPG: Invasion of the Rabbids and it is mostly being developed by Ubisoft but with strict monitoring from Nintendo.

Laura provides details on the story:

"The title will focus on the Mario universe being invaded by Ubisoft’s Rabbids characters, some friend and some foe, and will feature a new Bowser form based around the design of the Rabbids as a recurring boss enemy. While there will be numerous cameo appearances from the Mario series’ best known characters, the core party will feature numerous, more minor characters. There is a particular focus on Yoshi as a primary party member, alongside a playable Rabbid"

She also mentions that this game will be prominently displayed during the January 12th event

Remember that this is a rumor and should be classified as one until Nintendo confirms or denies it.

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