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NintendoFlow's Nintendo Direct Predictions

Nintendo has recently announced a new Nintendo Direct to air this Wednesday and a lot of us are pretty excited. After all it is the first Nintendo Direct to premier in a world where the Switch is now available, so no more "is this the NX announcement" comments.

While the Nintendo Direct is mainly focused on upcoming Switch titles ARMS and Splatoon 2,they did mention that we will get some 3DS announcements thrown in there. So with out further ado here are NintendoFlow's predictions on the upcoming Direct.

Diddy Kong & Birdo make their triumphant return:

Both Diddy Kong and Birdo have been MIA since Mario Kart Wii and it's about time they returned to the Kart series. Fans were disappointed when Bowser JR got cut from Mario Kart 8's roster and instead got the koopalings.

Nintendo has heard the complaints and are now adding fan favorites such as King Boo and Bowser Jr. back into the race along with new characters such as the Inklings and while the makes an already impressive roster we think Nintendo is hiding a few from us. We believe that both Diddy Kong and Birdo will make their glorious return in HD on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Plenty of amiibo reveals

Thanks to data miners we now know that there are unannounced amiibo in the Zelda line and while it's easy to predict new Zelda amiibo we believe we're going to get new amiibo based on ARMS and Splatoon 2.

Splatoon already has plenty of amiibo based on the inklings,Squid and Squid Sisters,I think we're going to get a new amiibo based on none other than Judd the cat!

For ARMS I believe that amiibo of SpringMan and RibbonGirl will be shown off.

Animal Crossing Smartphone app

Nintendo announced an Animal Crossing smartphone app a while back and back a while back I mean it was announced before Super Mario Run and even before Miitomo was a thing! They were going t release it earlier this year but they delayed to an unknown date.

I think the time is now for Nintendo to unveil it. We already have our Mario,Fire Emblem and even Pokemon on our phones so now it's time for N̶i̶n̶t̶e̶n̶d̶o̶ Tom Nook to cash in on those micro-transactions .


For ARMS it's obviously that we're going to get a release date and more info on the game and how it plays. I think Nintendo will reveal more characters and the story(if there is one) during the Direct and why these people with stretching...arms decide to fight each other.

My boldest prediction for ARMS is that it will release on May 19.

Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2 is a hard one. Do they save most of the info for E3 in June or do they reveal it in the upcoming Direct?

I think for the sake of E3 they'll give us only a few details of the game such as new maps,clothing options and how new weapons and specials work. I also think that they will reveal the story premise.

While I believe they are going to reveal more at E3 for Splatoon 2, I think that we're still getting a release date. I predict that Splatoon 2 releases on June 23rd.

Nintendo Switch Update

The Nintendo Switch has been out for about a month and a half now and some users agree that the UI is pretty bare. I mean it's cool that we have a "night mode" but where's the cool background music or rows of icons that we can edit similar to the 3DS?

I think Nintendo is going to introduce a customizable UI and such as colors or a number of rows of icons and who knows maybe the Badge Arcade from the 3DS will hop on over to the Switch!

Besides UI enhancements I believe that streaming apps will finally be announced. Netflix and Hulu and more will probably be shown off and available to download the same day

sizzle reel

Often times Nintendo will show off a quick sizzle reel of upcoming games they simply didn't have time to show off during their presentation. Sometimes they'll choose on of the games shown in the sizzle reel to talk about it real quick. My prediction is that Injustice 2 will be announced for the Nintendo Switch.

After all Injustice series producer,Ed Boon, has been teasing us with subtle tweets ever since the Switch event in January. The first Injustice came to the Wii U so I can totally see Injustice 2 on the Switch and with Injustice 2 releasing in May this is the perfect time to announce a Switch version

3DS Games

I believe the only 2 games for the 3DS that will be shown off during the Direct will be Ever Oasis and Pikmin 3DS.

Pikmin 3DS will probably get a release date and more gameplay shown of along with a release date. For Ever Oasis I believe we will also get more gameplay and story elements but for some reason I believe that this will be a digital only title.

I predict Pikmin 3DS will launch in May and Ever Oasis will launch in June.

E3 Plans

Finally my last prediction is kind of an obvious one but , I believe that they will announce partial details of their upcoming E3 presentation such as a date and time and for us to expect even more cool announcements there.

So there you guys have it,my predictions for the upcoming Nintendo direct. Do you guys agree or are some of these to farfetched? What about you? Do you have any predictions/wishes of your own? let us know in the comments!

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